Reservation & Cancellation Policy

Accommodation Guests

Full payment is required at the time of booking. Accommodations require a 2-night minimum reservation on weekends. Remaining one night bookings on weekends can be reserved by request only. Upon registering a pre-authorized security deposit of $300 is required for dome, yurt, and cabin reservations. A valid VISA or Mastercard is required. It is expected that the accommodation, site and BBQ grill be left in the same condition as it was on your arrival.

Changes to your reservation are free of charge up to 7 days prior to check-in date. Changes to a reservation within 2-7 days of your booking will be subject to a $100 fee. No changes or refunds allowed within 48 hours of your booking.

Cancellations for any reason will be subject to a cancellation fee based on the number of days the cancellation is made prior to the reservation:

  • Cancellations made more than 14 days prior to booking date - $25 cancellation fee will be applied.

  • Cancellations made 8-14 days prior to booking date - A 50% refund will be given.

  • Cancellations made 7 days or less prior to booking date - No refund will be given.

  • No refunds will be given for early departures or inclement weather.

RV Guests

Short Term

  • Cancellations made more than 7 days prior to booking date - A $15 cancellation fee will be applied.

  • Cancellations made 7 days or less prior to booking date - No refund will be given.

  • No refunds will be given for early departures or inclement weather.


Monthly rates are only valid for full 30 day intervals. Monthly rate reservations require a $250 deposit to confirm the reservation, with the balance due upon arrival. Monthly rate guests are billed in 30 day intervals starting from the arrival date. After the first 30 day interval, any reservations less than 30 days will be billed at the regular daily or weekly rate.

  • Cancellations made more than 7 days prior to booking date - $50 cancellation fee applied.

  • Cancellations made 7 days or less prior to booking date - Deposit is not refundable.

The monthly rate for guests departing prior to the end of any 30 day interval will change to the applicable pro-rated daily or weekly rate and any refund will be based on the new rate.


Seasonal rates are only valid with a minimum reservation of 120 days within a single calendar season. Additional days are pro-rated at the current seasonal rate. Seasonal reservations require a $500 deposit to confirm the reservation. Seasonal fees are due April 1st.

  • Cancellations made more than 14 days prior to booking date - $100 cancellation fee applied.

  • Cancellations made 14 days or less prior to booking date - Deposit not refundable.

The seasonal rate for guests departing prior to the 120 day minimum reservation will change to the applicable pro-rated monthly rate and any refund will be based on the new rate less the $500 deposit.

To cancel your reservation please email as soon as possible.

If you are eligible for a refund, you should see the amount applied as a credit to the credit/debit card that was used at the time of booking, approximately 5-10 business days later, depending upon the bank that issued your card.